Does balance mean equal?

Balance [noun]: An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.

Balanced. Equal.

I've deliberated over that equation my whole life. Not quite knowing the variables, the constants or the coefficient, but knowing the equal sign. Balance. That's always been the end game.

The fight has always been between the unaware privileged vs the pained oppressed, not quite equal for as long as my generation has existed, and for many generations before. But the result of the privilege of strife, yes, you read that right, is unequivocally knowing that the only way to end a fight, is an attempt to understand the other side.

This is my attempt. To understand everything that contributes to the imbalance, to the inequity, and to acknowledge that there are two sides. Both of them need to be understood. Balance. Equal.

I propose a new formula. Let conversations be the operator, topics of discussions, the coefficients and variables. The only constant, empathy.

Let's talk, shall we? if you have anything to say, do it! SAY it in comments below, don't hold back, that's the only ask.